3:45-4:45pm dsaoc/‘ilima hula We invite dancers with disabilities to join us to learn the language, culture, songs, and dances of Polynesia!
6:00-7:30pm pua alo alo advanced hula Intermediate/Advanced Hula for the experienced dancer
7:30-8:00PM Aloha Fitness™ with Vaiura on hold as we prepare for hoʻike 2024. Work up a sweat and burn up to 300 calories in this island style workout. No registration required. Drop in rate is $15.
7:30pm-9:30PM a tu’u mai professional group email us at to book us at your next event!
9:00-9:45AM Aloha Fitness™ with kehau. on hold as we prepare for hoʻike 2024 Work up a sweat and burn up to 300 calories in this island style workout. No registration required. Drop in rate is $15.